- <#
- This script creates a scheduled task object.
- This script re-implements an MSDN sample using PowerShell
- File Name : New-Task.ps1
- Author : Thomas Lee - tfl@psp.co.uk
- Requires : PowerShell Version 2.0
- This script posted to:
- http://www.pshscripts.blogspot.com
- MSDN sample posted tot:
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383665%28VS.85%29.aspx
- PSH [C:\foo]: .\New-Task.ps1
- Time Now : 9/24/2010 12:43:47 PM
- Task startTime : 2010-09-24T12:44:17
- Task endTime : 2010-09-24T12:48:47
- Task definition created. About to submit the task...
- Name : Test TimeTrigger
- Path : Test TimeTrigger
- State : 3
- Enabled : True
- LastRunTime : 12/30/1899 12:00:00 AM
- LastTaskResult : 1
- NumberOfMissedRuns : 0
- NextRunTime : 9/24/2010 12:44:17 PM
- Definition : System.__ComObject
- Xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
- <Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
- <RegistrationInfo>
- <Author>Thomas Lee</Author>
- <Description>Start notepad at a certain time</Description>
- </RegistrationInfo>
- <Triggers>
- <TimeTrigger id="TimeTriggerId">
- <StartBoundary>2010-09-24T12:44:17</StartBoundary>
- <EndBoundary>2010-09-24T12:48:47</EndBoundary>
- <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT5M</ExecutionTimeLimit>
- <Enabled>true</Enabled>
- </TimeTrigger>
- </Triggers>
- <Settings>
- <IdleSettings>
- <Duration>PT10M</Duration>
- <WaitTimeout>PT1H</WaitTimeout>
- <StopOnIdleEnd>true</StopOnIdleEnd>
- <RestartOnIdle>false</RestartOnIdle>
- </IdleSettings>
- <MultipleInstancesPolicy>IgnoreNew</MultipleInstancesPolicy>
- <DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>true</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>
- <StopIfGoingOnBatteries>true</StopIfGoingOnBatteries>
- <AllowHardTerminate>true</AllowHardTerminate>
- <StartWhenAvailable>true</StartWhenAvailable>
- <RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>false</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>
- <AllowStartOnDemand>true</AllowStartOnDemand>
- <Enabled>true</Enabled>
- <Hidden>false</Hidden>
- <RunOnlyIfIdle>false</RunOnlyIfIdle>
- <WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun>
- <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT72H</ExecutionTimeLimit>
- <Priority>7</Priority>
- </Settings>
- <Actions Context="Author">
- <Exec>
- <Command>C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe</Command>
- </Exec>
- </Actions>
- <Principals>
- <Principal id="Author">
- <UserId>COOKHAM\tfl</UserId>
- <LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType>
- </Principal>
- </Principals>
- </Task>
- Task submitted.
- #>
- # Helper Function
- function XMLTIME{
- Param ( $T)
- $csecond = $t.Second.ToString()
- $cminute = $t.minute.ToString()
- $chour = $t.hour.ToString()
- $cday = $t.day.ToString()
- $cmonth = $t.month.ToString()
- $cyear = $t.year.ToString()
- $date = $cyear + "-"
- if ($cmonth.Length -eq 1) { $date += "0" + $cmonth + "-"}
- else { $date += $cmonth + "-"}
- if ($cday.length -eq 1) { $date += "0" + $cday + "T"}
- else { $date += $cday + "T"}
- if ($chour.length -eq 1) { $date += "0" + $chour + ":"}
- else { $date += $chour + ":"}
- if ($cminute.length -eq 1){ $date += "0" + $cminute + ":"}
- else { $date += $cminute + ":"}
- if ($csecond.length -eq 1){ $date += "0" + $csecond}
- else { $date += $csecond}
- # return
- $date
- }
- ## Script starts here
- # A constant that specifies a time-based trigger.
- $TriggerTypeTime = 1
- # A constant that specifies an executable action.
- $ActionTypeExec = 0
- # Create and connect to the service
- $service = New-Object -com schedule.service
- $service.Connect()
- # Get a folder to create a task definition in.
- $rootFolder = $service.GetFolder("\")
- # The taskDefinition variable is the TaskDefinition object.
- # The flags parameter is 0 because it is not supported.
- $taskDefinition = $service.NewTask(0)
- # Define information about the task.
- # Set the registration info for the task by
- # creating the RegistrationInfo object.
- $regInfo = $taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo
- $regInfo.Description = "Start notepad at a certain time"
- $regInfo.Author = "Thomas Lee"
- # Set the principal for the task
- $principal = $taskDefinition.Principal
- # Set the logon type to interactive logon
- $principal.LogonType = 3
- # Set the task setting info for the Task Scheduler by
- # creating a TaskSettings object.
- $settings = $taskDefinition.Settings
- $settings.Enabled = $True
- $settings.StartWhenAvailable = $True
- $settings.Hidden = $False
- # Create a time-based trigger.
- $triggers = $taskDefinition.Triggers
- $trigger = $triggers.Create($TriggerTypeTime)
- # Trigger variables that define when the trigger is active.
- $time = ([system.datetime]::now).addseconds(30)
- $startTime = XmlTime($time)
- $time = ([system.datetime]::now).addminutes(5)
- $endTime = XmlTime($time)
- "Time Now : {0}" -f (Get-Date -display time)
- "Task startTime : {0}" -f $startTime
- "Task endTime : {0}" -f $endTime
- $trigger.StartBoundary = $startTime
- $trigger.EndBoundary = $endTime
- $trigger.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT5M" #Five minutes
- $trigger.Id = "TimeTriggerId"
- $trigger.Enabled = $True
- # Create the action for the task to execute.
- # Add an action to the task to run notepad.exe.
- $Action = $taskDefinition.Actions.Create( $ActionTypeExec )
- $Action.Path = "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"
- "Task definition created. About to submit the task..."
- # Register (create) the task.
- $rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Test TimeTrigger", $taskDefinition, 6,"" ,"" , 3)
- # all done!
- "Task submitted."
This blog contains PowerShell scripts, more PowerShell scripts and still more PowerShell scripts. Occasionally you may see some organisational posts.
Friday, 24 September 2010
PowerShell V2,
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Why not use schtasks.exe that they give you, you can create a task with one line. You can then make it run as System with one more line. Then you can execute the task with one more line.
Much easier
Thanks for the comment. The purpose of this blog, and this sample, is to show how you can use PowerShell and the underlying components can be used. In this case, I was using the COM object schedule.service to re-implement an MSDN sample.
As with everything PowerShell, there are always multiple ways to do almost anything!
Thanks for the comment.
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