This script creates a function to display a message
in a message block, then demonstrates its usage
This script used Windows Forms to put up a message
box containing text and a window title passed as
File Name : Show-Message.ps1
Author : Thomas Lee - tfl@psp.co.uk
Requires : PowerShell Version 3.0
This script posted to:
Left as an exercise to the Reader
Function Show-Message {
Param (
HelpMessage="Content of Message box")]
[string]$Message ,
HelpMessage="Title for Message box")]
[string]$BoxTitle = "Message"
# just in case, load the relevant assembly
$v1 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
# now use the messagebox class to display the message
[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $BoxTitle,
[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK ,
} # End of function
# Set an alias
Set-Alias sm Show-Message
# call the function
sm 'testing' 'details, details'
This blog contains PowerShell scripts, more PowerShell scripts and still more PowerShell scripts. Occasionally you may see some organisational posts.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Sunday, 5 January 2014
This script demonstrates formatting System.TimeSpan objects
Using PowerShell
This scipt re-writes some MSDN Samples that demostarate
timespan formatting - the original article lacks PowerShell
Examples. And sadly, the MSDN page no longer accepts community
File Name : Show-TimeSpanFormatting
Author : Thomas Lee - tfl@psp.co.uk
Requires : PowerShell Version 3.0
This script posted to:
Reference MSDN Page
Psh> .\Show-TimeSpanFormatting.ps1
Example 1
Time of Travel: 1.12:24:02
Time of Travel: 1.12:24:02
Example 2
Converted '1.03:14:56.1667' to 1.03:14:56.1667000
Converted '1.03:14:56.1667' to 1.03:14:56.1667000
Example 3
07:45:16 - 18:12:38 = -10:27:22
07:45:16 + 18:12:38 = 1.01:57:54
00:01:14.3650000 + 00:00:00.2143756 = 00:01:14.5793756
Example 4
7:45:16 - 18:12:38 = -10:27:22
7:45:16 + 18:12:38 = 1:1:57:54
0:01:14.036 + 0:00:00.2143756 = 0:01:14.2503756
Example 5
0:07:45:16.0000000 - 0:18:12:38.0000000 = -0:10:27:22.0000000
0:07:45:16,0000000 + 0:18:12:38,0000000 = 1:01:57:54,0000000
0:00:01:14.0360000 + 0:00:00:00.2143756 = 0:00:01:14.2503756
# Show Time Span Format Strings
# Example 1 - use both tostring() and -f operators
"Example 1"
# Create Timespan object
$duration = New-Object System.TimeSpan 1, 12, 23, 62
# Now output using both tostring() and -f
"Time of Travel: " + $duration.ToString("c")
"Time of Travel: {0:c}" -f $duration
# Example 2
# Demonstrate the use of ParseExact and TryParseExact
"Example 2"
$value = "1.03:14:56.1667"
$interval = New-Object System.TimeSpan
Try {
$interval = [System.TimeSpan]::ParseExact($value, "c", $null)
"Converted '{0}' to {1}" -f $value, $interval
Catch [System.FormatException] {"{0}: Bad Format" -f $value}
Catch [System.OverflowException] {"{0}: Out of Range" -f $value }
If ([System.TimeSpan]::TryParseExact($value, "c", $null, [ref] $interval)) {
"Converted '{0}' to {1}" -f $value, $interval
Else {
"Unable to convert {0} to a time interval." -f $value
# Example 3
# Create two TimeSpan objects, perform arithmetic operations
# on them then displays the result using the 'C' format specifier
"Example 3"
$interval1 = New-Object System.TimeSpan 7, 45, 16
$interval2 = New-Object System.TimeSpan 18, 12, 38
"{0:c} - {1:c} = {2:c}" -f $interval1,$interval2, $($interval1 - $interval2)
"{0:c} + {1:c} = {2:c}" -f $interval1,$interval2, $($interval1 + $interval2)
$interval1 = New-Object System.TimeSpan 0, 0, 1, 14, 365
$interval2 = [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks(2143756)
"{0:c} + {1:c} = {2:c}" -f $interval1, $interval2, $($interval1 + $interval2)
# Example 4 - The "g" Format Specifier
# This specifier returns the string representation of a TimeSpan value in a compact form
# by including only the elements that are necessary.
"Example 4"
$interval1 = New-Object System.TimeSpan 7, 45, 16
$interval2 = New-Object System.TimeSpan 18, 12, 38
"{0:g} - {1:g} = {2:g}" -f $interval1, $interval2, $($interval1 - $interval2)
# do it in French
$CI = New-object System.Globalization.CultureInfo 'fr-FR'
[System.String]::Format($CI, $("{0:g} + {1:g} = {2:g}") ,
$interval1,$interval2,$($interval1 + $interval2) )
# Another interval
$interval1 = new-object System.TimeSpan 0, 0, 1, 14, 36
$interval2 = [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks(2143756)
"{0:g} + {1:g} = {2:g}" -f $interval1, $interval2, $($interval1 + $interval2)
# Example 5
# Using the "G' Specifier
"Example 5"
$interval1 = new-object System.TimeSpan 7, 45, 16
$interval2 = new-object System.TimeSpan 18, 12, 38
"{0:G} - {1:G} = {2:G}" -f $interval1, $interval2, $($interval1 -$interval2)
[System.String]::Format($(New-Object CultureInfo("fr-FR")),
"{0:G} + {1:G} = {2:G}", $interval1,
$interval2, $($interval1 + $interval2))
$interval1 = new-object System.TimeSpan 0, 0, 1, 14, 36
$interval2 = [System.TimeSpan]::FromTicks(2143756)
"{0:G} + {1:G} = {2:G}" -f $interval1,$interval2, $($interval1 + $interval2)
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