Thursday, 27 November 2014


#Requires –Version 5.0
#    Creates a zip file of PowerShell scripts 
#    The script creates a zip file containing all the files, 
#    recursing through the top level PowerShell Script Library folder.
#    This script require PowerShell V5 for the zip file cmdlets!
#    Author - Thomas Lee -
#    PS [c:\foo]>  .\Zip-PSHScripts3.ps1
#    Total files  : 347
#    ps1 files    : 342
#    txt files    : 1
#    other  files : 4

# Define what to zip and from where
$zipfile  = "C:\foo\ScriptLib.ZIP"
$zipfrom  = "C:\Users\tfl\Dropbox\PowerShell Script Library (master)"
$recurse  = "true"
$ziptoadd = "ps1"

# Check it out
if ( ! (Test-path -Path $zipfrom ))
  Write-Host 'scripts folder does not exist'

# Zip it up!
    Compress-Archive -Path $zipfrom -DestinationPath $zipfile -CompressionLevel Optimal -Update
  Write-Host ' Error Zipping up the script library'

# Stats
$files = ls $zipfrom -file -recurse
$files_ps1 = $files | Where-Object Extension -eq '.ps1'
$files_txt = $files | Where-Object Extension -eq '.txt'
$files_other = $files | Where-Object { $_.extension -NE '.PS1' -and $_.Extension -ne '.txt'} 

"Total files  : {0}" -f $($files.count)
"ps1 files    : {0}" -f $($files_ps1.count)
"txt files    : {0}" -f $($files_txt.count)
"other  files : {0}" -f $($files_other.count)

# All done
ls $zipfile

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