- <#
- Sends a UDP datagram to a port
- This script used system.net.socckets to send a UDP
- datagram to a particular port. Being UDP, there's
- no way to determine if the UDP datagram actually
- was received.
- for this sample, a port was chosen (20000).
- File Name : Send-UDPDatagram
- Author : Thomas Lee - tfl@psp.co.uk
- Requires : PowerShell V2 CTP3
- http://www.pshscripts.blogspot.com
- #>
- ###
- # Start of Script
- ##
- # Define port and target IP address
- # Random here!
- [int] $Port = 20000
- $IP = ""
- $Address = [system.net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)
- # Create IP Endpoint
- $End = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint $address, $port
- # Create Socket
- $Saddrf = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork
- $Stype = [System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Dgram
- $Ptype = [System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::UDP
- $Sock = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket $saddrf, $stype, $ptype
- $Sock.TTL = 26
- # Connect to socket
- $sock.Connect($end)
- # Create encoded buffer
- $Enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
- $Message = "Jerry Garcia Rocks`n"*10
- $Buffer = $Enc.GetBytes($Message)
- # Send the buffer
- $Sent = $Sock.Send($Buffer)
- "{0} characters sent to: {1} " -f $Sent,$IP
- "Message is:"
- $Message
- # End of Script
If you run this script and are using WireShark to capture the network traffic, you might see something like this:
From this trace, you can see the UDP Datagram that was sent. And since the port does not exist on the target machine (, that machine returns a Destination Port Unreachable as expected.
Lines 38 - 52 are covered up with the Wireshark image. Can you fix the layout so we can see the rest of the script?
too bad the website owner doesn't fix this. i've parsed the html source and stripped the code:
Sends a UDP datagram to a port
This script used system.net.socckets to send a UDP
datagram to a particular port. Being UDP, there's
if the UDP datagram actually
was received.
for this sample, a port was chosen (20000).
File Name : Send-UDPDatagram
Requires : PowerShell V2 CTP3
# Start of Script
# Define port and target IP address
# Random here!
$Port = 20000
$IP = ""
$Address = [system.net.IPAddress]::Parse( $IP )
# Create IP Endpoint
$End = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint $address , $port
# Create Socket
$Saddrf = [System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork
$Stype = [System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Dgram
$Ptype = [System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::UDP
$Sock = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket $saddrf , $stype , $ptype
$Sock.TTL = 26
# Connect to socket
$sock.Connect( $end )
# Create encoded buffer
$Enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$Message = "Jerry Garcia Rocks`n" *10
$Buffer = $Enc.GetBytes( $Message )
# Send the buffer
$Sent = $Sock.Send( $Buffer )
"{0} characters sent to: {1} " -f $Sent , $IP
"Message is:"
# End of Script
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