Monday, 14 July 2008


    Hashtable Contains method sample using PowerShell 
    This script create and populates a hash table then demonstrates
    use of contains, containskey and containsvalue methods.
    File Name  : Contains-HashTable.ps1
    Author     : Thomas Lee -
    Requires   : PowerShell V2 CTP3
    PS c:\foo> .\Contains-HashTable.ps1
	The Hashtable contains the following values:
    Name                           Value
    ----                           -----
    4                              four
    0                              zero
    2                              two
    1                              one
    3                              three

    The key "0" is in the hashtable: True
    The key "5" is in the hashtable: False

    The key "2" is in the hashtable: True
    The key "6" is in the hashtable: False

    The value "three" is in the hash table: True
    The value "nine" is in the hash table: False

#  Start of script

$myht = @{}
$myht.Add( 0, 'zero' );
$myht.Add( 1, 'one' );
$myht.Add( 2, 'two' );
# or a more powershell way
$myht += @{'3'= 'three'}
$myht += @{'4'='four' }

# Display the values of the Hashtable
'The Hashtable contains the following values:'

# use contains method
$myKey = 0;
"The key `"{0}`" is in the hashtable: {1}" -f $myKey, $myHT.Contains( $myKey )
$myKey = 5;
"The key `"{0}`" is in the hashtable: {1}" -f $myKey, $myHT.Contains( $myKey )

# Now use ContainsKey
$myKey = 2;
"The key `"{0}`" is in the hashtable: {1}" -f $myKey, $myHT.ContainsKey( $myKey )
$myKey = 6;
"The key `"{0}`" is in the hashtable: {1}" -f $myKey, $myHT.ContainsKey( $myKey )

# Searches for a specific value using ContainsValue
$myValue = 'three';
"The value `"{0}`" is in the hash table: {1}" -f $myValue, $myHT.ContainsValue( $myValue )
$myValue = 'nine';
"The value `"{0}`" is in the hash table: {1}" -f $myValue, $myHT.ContainsValue( $myValue )
# End of script

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