Saturday, 12 July 2008


    Demonstrates using a queue object
    This script creates a queue, then adds some items to it, print
    	out the contents then synchs it.
    File Name  : show-queueproperties.ps1
    Author     : Thomas Lee -
    Requires   : PowerShell V2
    Tags       : showqueue,enqueue,synchronize,system.collections.queue

    PS c:\foo> .\show-queueproperties.ps1
    Creating and populating $myq object with...
    3 entries in the queue as follows:
    entry 0:  Hello
    entry 1:  World
    entry 2:  Jerry Garcia Rocks!!

    Report on $myq
    $myq is synchronised?  :False

    Synchronising $myq to $sq
    $sq  is synchronised?  :True	

#  Start of script

# Create new queue object
$myq = new-object System.Collections.Queue
# or a more powershell way
$myq += "Jerry Garcia Rocks!!"
# Show use of the properties of the Queue
# First use count property
"Creating and populating `$myq object with..."
"`{0} entries in the queue as follows:" -f $myq.Count
$myq | % {"entry {0}:  {1}" -f $i++,$_ }

# Now check synchronisation
"Report on `$myq"
"`$myq is synchronised?  :{0}" -f $myq.IsSynchronized

# Synch the queue
"Synchronising `$myq to `$sq"
$sq = [system.collections.queue]::synchronized($myq)

# report again
"`$sq  is synchronised?  :{0}" -f $sq.IsSynchronized
# End Script

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