Thursday, 17 July 2008


    Shows use of Hash tables with PowerSHell
    This script creates and populates a Hash Table then displays the values, keys, etc.
    File Name  : Show-HashtableValues.ps1
    Author     : Thomas Lee -
    Requires   : PowerShell V2
    PSH [C:\foo]: .\show-hashtablevalues.ps1
    The Hash Table so far

   Name                           Value
   ----                           -----
   bmp                            paint.exe
   rtf                            wordpad.exe
   txt                            notepad.exe
   dib                            paint.exe

   4 Keys in this table as follows:
   1:  bmp
   2:  rtf
   3:  txt
   4:  dib

   4 Values in this table as follows:
   1:  paint.exe
   2:  wordpad.exe
   3:  notepad.exe
   4:  paint.exe

# Start of Script

# Create new hash table
$openWith = new-object system.collections.hashtable

# Add some elements to the hash table. 
$openWith.Add('txt', 'notepad.exe')
$openWith.Add('dib', 'paint.exe')

# Add more entries in a more Powershell way!
$openwith += @{'bmp'='paint.exe'}
# or
$wordpad  =    'wordpad.exe'
$openwith += @{'rtf'=$wordpad}

# Display the Hash table
'The Hash Table so far'

# To get the keys alone, use the Keys property
'{0} Keys in this table as follows:' -f $openwith.keys.count
$openwith.keys | %{'{0}:  {1}' -f ++$i, $_}

# To get the values alone, use the Values property
'{0} Values in this table as follows:' -f $openwith.values.count
$openwith.values | %{'{0}:  {1}' -f ++$i, $_}
# End of Script

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