Saturday 19 July 2008


    Demonstrates Hashtable IsSynchronized 
    This script creates and populates a hash table, then
    checks on and displays sync status.
    File Name  : Sync-HashTable.ps1A
    Author     : Thomas Lee -
    Requires   : PowerShell V2 
    PS c:\foo> Sync-HashTable.ps1
    $myht is synchronised      : False
    $mySyncdht is synchronised : True

#  Start of script

# Create and initialise a new Hashtable
$myht = new-object system.collections.hashtable
$myht.Add( 0, "zero")
$myht.Add( 1, "one")
$myht.Add( 2, "two")
$myht.Add( 3, "three")
# or
$myht += @{"4"="four"}

# Create a synchronized wrapper around the Hashtable.
$mysyncdht = [system.collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized( $myht)

# Display the sychronization status of both Hashtables
"`$myht is synchronised      : {0}" -f $myht.IsSynchronized
"`$mySyncdht is synchronised : {0}" -f $mysyncdht.IsSynchronized
# End of script

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